Richmond, VA’s Neighborhood KPIs

Richmond skyline

Sep 13, 2017

Richmond is in the process of aligning its priorities, goals, and metrics. The city has identified 44 KPIs in its seven focus areas to track progress toward the city’s strategic priorities. Richmond tags each Key Priority Indicator (KPI) to the associated initiative and is in the process of calculating baseline data to accurately determine expected outcomes in the performance-based budgeting process.

Focus Area 1: Unique, Healthy, and Inclusive Neighborhoods & Communities

Source: Adopted Biennial Fiscal Plans for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015 & Adopted Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2014–2018

FY2014 – FY2015 Key Performance Indicators

FY 2012 Baseline


Poverty Rate

To decrease the percentage of population living at or below the poverty line


-Increase SNAP Participation Rate

-Teen Pregnancy

City Health Ranking 

To obtain targeted health goals including infant mortality, low birth weight, and obesity.


-Develop Office of Multicultural Affairs 

-Resource Centers

-Food Policy Task Force

-Office on Aging and Persons with Disabilities

-Breastfeeding Commission

Neighborhoods and Community Amenities/Assets Index

Increase percent of population that has access to key amenities (schools, parks, recreation facilities, retail, etc.)

Under Development

-Riverfront Plan

-Swimming Pool Renovations

-School Construction

-Cannon Creek

-Monroe Park Improvements

-Southside Community Center

-Pedestrian, Bike and Trails Initiative

-Virginia Capital Trail

-Library Renovations

Cultural Events

Increase the number of cultural events in the City

Under Development -Increase Cultural Events at Libraries
Blighted and Derelict Property 

Decrease the number of properties with code violations to 500

2140 -Blight Abatement
Mixed Income Housing Availability in RRHA

Increase the percent of housing units available for middle and lower income individuals

Under Development

-Eastview Whitcomb Initiative


-East End/ Nine Mile Road Transformation

-Dove Court Revitalization

-Hull Street Corridor Revitalization

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