About GovEx
GovEx Overview
A two-page summary of our work.
2023 Impact Report
“Leading the Way to Data-Driven Cities of the Future.”
2022 Annual Report
“Unlock the Power of Data for Public Good.”
Congressional Testimony
“Toward an AI Ready Future.”
Congressional Testimony
“AI in Government”
Research and Publications
The Missing COVID-19 Demographic Data
Analysis of COVID-19-related demographic data.
Identifying COVID-19 Correlations
Journal article examining comorbidity data and COVID-19.
Disparities in COVID-19 Testing
Analysis of disparities in testing for Hispanic/Latino populations.
Solidify data systems for the future
Journal article on the importance of data in public health.
Why Data Must Drive Government Decisions
Textbook chapter by GovEx Founder Beth Blauer.
Building the Data City of the Future
Journal article on using data to prepare for the future.
Tools and Guides
Food System Resilience
Resources for building equitable and just food system resilience.
City AI Connect
A platform to trial and advance the use of Generative AI.
Coronavirus Resource Center
Global data collection and reporting.
BREATHE Center Lung Health Dashboard
Interactive report on children’s respiratory health.