What We Do
There are many organizations that support data use in government — including many GovEx partners — but GovEx’s structure and capabilities set it apart.
Field-Defining Research
GovEx provides rapid-response tools and analysis to accelerate and improve the use of data in the public sector and help cities address emerging challenges. GovEx has led development on a wide range of public sector data tools, including the Coronavirus Resource Center, City AI Connect, and the BREATHE Center asthma dashboard.

Expert Advisors
GovEx is led by former government practitioners with academic grounding to share best practices and training. Our expert advisors work one-on-one with city leaders and staff to improve cities’ data practices as part of the Bloomberg Philanthropies City Data Alliance, the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative Data Track, and other programs.
Public Sector Connectors
GovEx convenes city leaders and the world’s foremost data thinkers to learn how to better leverage data and identify cutting-edge solutions. The GovEx Academy is GovEx’s platform for live and self-guided learning across all of our programs and many partner programs. It is the only training center designed and dedicated to improving data skills for the public sector workforce.

City Impact
GovEx has a track record of working with cities to implement strategies and policy interventions that lead to equitable outcomes and transform the standard of living for residents.
GovEx’s work in Baltimore, the organization's home base, includes many evidence-based governance projects through four mayoral administrations.