Welcome to GovEx’s new online hub

Feb 5, 2025

The Bloomberg Center for Government Excellence is proud to debut our updated website, which includes a new look and new features and represents the launch of an ongoing effort to create an online community for data-focused public sector professionals.

Among the new features:

  • New “mega-menus” on the top navigation bar that offer user-friendly snapshots of the content available in each section, with photos and videos.
  • A re-imagined “News & Media” section that integrates news stories, GovEx blog posts, and episodes of our Data Points podcast, with a pull-down menu at the top to sort for each.
  • A new “Resources” page that highlights tools, publications, guides, and platforms relevant to public sector data professionals.
  • A series of “City Impact Stories,” such as the ones on Baltimore and the Coronavirus Resource Center, that describe GovEx’s work in cities.

We hope you’ll explore the site and share any feedback on suggestions via the Contact Us page.

In the coming months, we’ll be adding other elements, including additional resources and stories, and new features, like a collection of city-based resources and a code repository. To stay up to date on new additions to the website, join our mailing list below.

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